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The Orange Line, Platform


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The Orange Line, Bridges



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The Orange Line, Coney Island



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The Orange Line, Station



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The Orange Line, Shoot the Freak



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The Orange Line, Graffiti



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The Orange Line, Guitar



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The Orange Line, Rooftops




The Orange Line, Journey



Wullae Wright is a musician, artist and writer.  Wullae has had successes with his various art forms over the last decade including playing Glasgow King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut in 2009, his 2013 album ‘The Orange Line’ was New Lease Music Blog ‘Indie Rock Album of the Year 2014’, and he has a short story published this October 2018 in a national book of short stories.  Wullae creates his own art work for all his music, which consists of 6 music albums and several EPs and singles, and has also created art work for others.